The Wall

Still image from The Wall

Still image from The Wall


The Wall is an abstract experimental light-painting project. Beams of laser light are refracted through different materials – glass, plastic, water – onto the exposed image sensor of a digital camera. The resulting images convey the violent release of energy as the universe devolves backwards through space-time beyond the limits of human perception. 

This work brings viewers to the nexus of spacetime and consciousness. The Wall uses abstract images and sounds to imagine events that are fundamental to our understanding of the universe and our place in it, but  that are beyond our abilities to experience directly. It challenges the viewer to experience and observe the physical and emotional responses that arise when we are confronted with the overwhelming and barely conceivable vastness of space and time. The Wall uses images and sound to evoke a sensory experience that mimics the conceptual dizziness, and feelings of  immateriality that can result from trying to comprehend the scale of spacetime and cosmological events.

I would like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.
